José Joaquín Jiménez Vacas
D. José Joaquín Jiménez Vacas es Doctor en Derecho. Investigador colaborador del Centro de Investigación para la Gobernanza Global (CIGG) de la Universidad de Salamanca (USAL)
El artículo se publicó en el número 40 (Cuarto trimestre de 2024) de Gabilex, Revista del Gabinete Jurídico de Castilla-La Mancha
The renowned <<Marquess of Queensberry Rules>> are set of rules that are generally accepted and entail a Code of rules for good boxing practice. They were so named because the Scottish nobleman John Sholto Douglas (1844 - 1900), 9th Marquess of Queensberry, who publicly endorsed them. In popular culture, this term is occasionally used to refer to a certain sensation of fair play. That same sensation wants to point this brief research comment, concerning soft, green or flexible regulations (<<soft law>>).
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